Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Luau Theme Games

Music is also a must for a successful luau.

The modern day luau descends from the ancient Hawaiian tradition where, once upon a time, men and women feasted on delicacies, but they ate separately and only royalty enjoyed the privilege. King Kamehameha II abolished the tradition in 1819, and ever since men and women of all classes enjoy the luau feast together. No luau is complete without traditional luau food and entertainment, including an assortment of luau-themed games. Does this Spark an idea?


A bamboo stick is another limbo stick option.

The limbo is a popular game played at luaus. Decorate a long wooden stick like a broom stick with crepe paper or garland. Have two people hold each end of the stick at various heights while the dancers try to go under the stick by bending their backs; if you touch the stick when going under, you are out of the game. Construct a limbo stick stand with notches at varying heights so you don't have to designate two people to hold the stick. If the dancers knock the stick off the stand, they are out of the game.

Hula Hoops

Try a hula hoop contest where players use multiple hula hoops at once.

Use hula hoops to play a number of luau-themed games. You can have a traditional hula hooping contest where players start out hula hooping at the same time and see who can last the longest. Hula hoop in rounds if you have more players than hula hoops. Set up a hula hoop obstacle course where players must perform tasks like jumping over sticks or weaving through cones as they hula hoop. Use hula hoops for a ring toss by placing items at different areas around a field or yard and have players use their hoops to ring the items.

'Ulu Maika

'Ulu Maika is an ancient Hawaiian game that is comparable to lawn bowling. 'Ulu Maika is played by placing two wooden or metal stakes in the ground six inches apart. Players stand on a line 15 feet from the stakes and take turns trying to roll a wooden ball or round stone between the stakes. The player who passes her ball or stone through the stakes the most times without touching the stakes wins the game.

Pass the Coconut

Pass the coconut is similar to the well-known childhood game "Hot Potato." Players sit or stand in a circle and one coconut is passed around while music is playing in the background. The object of the game is not to be the one holding the coconut when the music stops. The last one holding the coconut when the music stops is sent out of the game until only one player remains.

Tags: hula hoop, hula hoops, where players, ancient Hawaiian, coconut when, coconut when music