Wednesday 18 November 2015

Things To Do For A Retirement Party

Retiring is a big deal. It is the beginning of a whole new chapter for the retiree. A retirement party should celebrate the retiree's accomplishments. And do not let him get away without remembering the road he took to get to this very moment in time.

Make a Memory Video

Collect pictures and video clips of the retiree from the over the years and put them together in a video montage set to music. Include big accomplishments as well as funny moments, like that holiday party where he dressed up as an elf. Be sure to have this on a DVD or CD that he can take with him at the end of the party.

Lost Marbles

Before the party begins, place two large glass jars on the retiree's table. Give each guest a marble and a small piece of paper. Have the guests drop their marbles into one jar and place their hand-written memories in the other. The marble jar represents all the marbles the retiree has lost in all the years working at the office. The memory jar is for her to have something to remember in her retired years.

Money Tree

Before the party, have each office member pitch in with various denominations of paper bills ranging from ones to 20s. Find a real or fake tree with lots of branches but not much greenery. Take the bills and fold them up to look like leaves. Tie each folded bill to a branch to create a money tree. As a grand finale, present this in a nice pot to the person retiring at the end of the party. Tell him it is for a rainy day or a cash flow emergency--whatever best fits his personality.

Tags: Before party