Wednesday 25 November 2015

Tips On Organizing A Family Reunion

A family reunion is a time for reflection, reconnecting and good old-fashioned fun. Besides the excitement of seeing family members all in one place, there are also many practical reasons for holding a family reunion, such as to teach the young ones about where they come from, introduce members who have never met and establish goals for the family as a whole. Keep this purpose in mind when organizing your family reunion. Does this Spark an idea?


Get your family T-shirts designed and printed online instead of using a local service. The prices are generally less expensive, and you can design and lay out the shirts online even if you don't know much about graphic design. See "Resources" for a site where you can design and have your family reunion T-shirts printed in bulk.

Unifying Theme

Decide on a theme for your family reunion that everyone will relate to. The theme should be fun yet meaningful. For instance, "A Tradition of Hard Work" would highlight the work that your ancestors did to bring the family to this point. "Preparing for the Next Successful 100 Years" would be another evocative theme to give everyone hope for the future. Place this message on your printed programs, T-shirts and other items.

"Green" Reunion

Because this is most likely going to be an event with hundreds of participants, keep the environment in mind when you are planning. There are a few simple ways that you can "go green" at the reunion. First, buy recycled paper plates, cups, paper towels and other items. Encourage your family to travel by bus or in carpools to the event, or charter buses for the event. Place clearly labeled recycle bins throughout the venue so that you can properly dispose of recyclables.

History Lesson

The kids at the reunion (and even some adults) might not know much about the heritage and history of the family. This is the perfect opportunity to research your family history and present it to the family as a whole. Put together a family tree and use the services at or to dig deeper. Talk about how the family migrated or immigrated to the area where most members are located now. Compile a narrated video or PowerPoint slide sbe presented to the family during a special hour of the reunion.

Tags: your family, family reunion, your family reunion, family whole, know much, know much about, mind when