Monday, 31 August 2015

Wording Ideas For A Birthday Invitation

Well-written invitations help birthday parties go off with a bang.

A well-written invitation can help you avoid what everybody dreads -- a party with no guests. A fun or unusual invitation can persuade those who might otherwise stay at home. But don't forget the basics: an invitation should include the identity of the sender, the date, time and location of the party and any special information, such as costumes or food and drink. Always remember to include an RSVP phone number, address or email address. Does this Spark an idea?


Decide how formal you would like your invitation to be. Either may be appropriate -- whether the formal "Mr. and Mrs. Smith request the pleasure of your company on the occasion of Kathy's 35th birthday" or the breezy "Kathy's one year older, please come celebrate!" -- but do keep a consistent tone throughout the invitation.


You may choose to center the invitation around your age, particularly if it's a landmark birthday like 16, 21, 30, 40 or 65. Try something like "21 reasons you should come to Becky's 21st birthday" or "It's only 30 days until Kevin's 30th."


Consider centering the invitation around your name, especially if it is unusual or one shared by a famous person. You might wish to use alliteration, for example: "Fly to Faye's fabulous festive fiesta."


If your birthday is near or on a famous date, or at a particular time of year, you can allude to this connection in your invitation. For example, "Sick of Christmas already? Then forget all about it with Barbara's birthday party on December 27th." This has the added advantage of making the date stick in the minds of your guests.


A famous quotation, such as Oscar Wilde's "Youth is wasted on the young" or George Burns' "You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old" can add zip to an invitation. Quotation dictionaries and numerous websites offer appropriate phrases. Pick a quotation that is pithy and to the point, and avoid anything that might prove offensive or controversial.


You may wish to include a poem or rhyme in you invitation, either one you find online or one you have composed yourself. Keep it short, and remember that humorous, light-hearted pieces are generally better appreciated in the context of a party invitation.

Special Instructions

If you're hosting a costume party, are asking the guest to bring food or drink, or request guests to wear a certain type or style of clothing, please state so clearly. Bold, aggressive instructions can put people off, so rather than "Costumes required," write "Wear a costume if you wish."

Tags: around your, food drink, invitation around, invitation around your, your invitation