Friday 25 December 2015

When Are Honeydew Melons Ready For Harvest

Harvest honeydew melons properly to enjoy the sweet and juicy fruit.

Warm-weather honeydew melons grow in warm and sunny locations. The melons grow and ripen on vines that rest on the ground. Once the melons germinate, they need to be tended to properly so that you can determine when the melons need to be harvested. Melons must be harvested properly, because they can overripen on the vine, which may cause them to spoil quickly. After you harvest the honeydew melons, store them to prolong the shelf life. Does this Spark an idea?

Harvest Time

Estimate the days until harvest after the honeydew plants germinate or once you plant the seedlings in your garden. Flowers will begin to form on the seedlings within 2 to 3 weeks, and then pods will form. The pods will transform into the honeydew melons. Honeydew melons typically are ready for harvest in 75 to 100 days. Look for harvest signs around 60 days after you plant the honeydew melons to determine when they need to be harvested.

Harvest Signs

Examine the honeydew melon when it gets closer to harvest time. Select honeydew melons that are creamy, golden yellow with a smooth and wax-like exterior. Avoid melons that are beige with green or yellow stripes. Gently tap on the melon and listen to the sound. If you hear a hollow sound, the melons have not finished the ripening process. Press gently on the end opposite the stem with your thumb. The honeydew will feel soft and spring back when it ripens. Smell the honeydew melon closely. A ripe honeydew melon will have an obvious sweet scent.

Harvest Method

Harvest the melons early in the morning, once the dew dries. Slice the vine from the melon with a sharp knife or garden shears. Cut the vine close to the rind if you plan to use the honeydew melon immediately. Leave 1 inch of the stem attached if you plan to store the honeydew, to help prevent it from rotting. Avoid rinsing the honeydew melons until you are ready to consume them, to prevent mold growth.

Honeydew Storage

Store honeydew melons in a temperature range between 45 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Honeydew melons will last longer in the refrigerator, but you can also store them at room temperature if you do not have the extra refrigerator space. Avoid storing the honeydew melons below 40 degrees or above 65 degrees to protect the texture and flavor of the produce. Honeydew melons will last for 3 or 4 days at room temperature or 1 week in the refrigerator.

Tags: honeydew melons, honeydew melon, honeydew melons, determine when, Honeydew melons, Honeydew melons will