Monday, 15 December 2014

Scientist Birthday Party Theme Ideas

A scientist-themed birthday party has the potential to be more exciting than the average party. Children may find simple, inexpensive experiments fascinating, and they will learn and have fun at the same time. Choose a scientist-themed birthday party to celebrate your child's big day, and show children how fun science can be. Does this Spark an idea?


Cut cardstock to look like beakers, and color a bright liquid inside them. Write a phrase like "Join our birthday experiment" on the front, and place the party information on the back of the invitations. To make volcano invitations, cut brown cardstock in the shape of volcanoes, and cut long, wavy strips of red construction paper to make lava. Glue the lava to make it look like it is falling down the volcano, and write your party information on the streams of lava.


To create scientist-themed party decorations, cut large beakers and test tubes out of sheets of white poster board. Color liquid inside them, and color large circles the same color as the liquid. Hang the beakers and test tubes around the party area, and hang the circles above them to look like bubbles. Cover boxes in tin foil, and stack them to look like a robot. A large appliance box can be decorated to look like a time machine.


Place measuring equipment in bowls of various party mix ingredients, and let the guests measure and mix their own treat. Add food coloring to bread mix, bake it according to the recipe and use it to make colorful sandwiches. Serve orange soda, or prepare brightly colored drink mixes.


Create a volcano cake using crushed Oreo cookies and an inverted ice cream cone. Place the ice cream cone upside-down on the cake, and cover it with chocolate frosting to make it look like a volcano. Crush the cookies, and place them around the volcano to resemble dirt. Complete the cake by squeezing red frosting down the side of the volcano and over the cookies, or use licorice if you prefer.


Skip the usual birthday party games and do science experiments at your scientist-themed party. Let guests make colorful clay to take home. Without telling the children what to expect, have them mix vinegar and baking soda for a bubbly eruption. Visit the Steve Spangler Science website for a large list of science experiments that kids can do.

Tags: look like, beakers test, beakers test tubes, birthday party, cream cone, inside them