Thursday, 10 December 2015

Venue Ideas For A Graduation

Weather concerns may make an outdoor graduation impractical, so make sure to have contingency plans ready.

Venues selected for a graduation should comfortably hold all those intending to graduate, as well as a predetermined number of family and guests per graduating individual and all applicable service staff, hosts and ancillary guests. Some venues may be able to provide and set up seating for such events, while others will require different arrangements. Does this Spark an idea?

Local Parks

Well-groomed local parks can provide an affordable option, particularly if they have pavilion areas available to rent. Though outdoor graduations will always be at the mercy of the weather, they can provide a unique and picturesque atmosphere, and can usually accommodate a large number of guests. Another drawback is that seating arrangements will have to be coordinated either by the institution or an event planner.

Hotel Event Rooms

Hotels are an easy, though not necessarily affordable, option. Upscale hotels often have several event rooms that may be rented by schools for graduations, and hotels come with the benefit of already having available seating provided. Hotels also often offer catered refreshments.

Auditoriums and Arenas

Often the primary choice for large graduations, sports and concert auditoriums or arenas are often available for rent to schools and universities. These venues have the benefit of already having plenty of seating and sound systems, but can be impersonal or uncomfortable to guests for long ceremonies. They may also be expensive or unavailable on short notice.

Banquet Halls

Many areas --- especially larger cities --- have banquet halls that cater to large gatherings such as graduations and weddings and corporate events. Though the price of reserving banquet halls may vary steeply, staff will typically assist with coordinating seating, sound systems and other such necessities.

Tags: affordable option, already having, available rent, banquet halls, benefit already, benefit already having, seating sound