Friday 30 October 2015

Swim Party Ideas

Beach balls can be used in a variety of ways for a swim party.

If you have a pool or access to a pool, throwing a swim party is a great way to cool off on a hot summer day. From inflatable beach toy invitations to water games, plan a swim party other people will envy and the party guests will remember for years to come. Hand out party favors and prizes for your guests to use while enjoying the swim party.


Use small inflatable water toys to do the invitations. Inflate the toys and write the party details on the toy in black permanent marker. Deflate the toy and place it in a padded envelope to mail to the party guests. You can also hand-deliver the invitations. Another swim party invitation idea is to write the party details on a flying disk and hand-deliver each one.


Hang large fishnets around the party area with plastic fish stuck in the nets. Scatter beach balls, inflatable toys, beach pails, water guns and large sun umbrellas around the party area. Use beach-themed tablecloths and place sand, seashells and swim goggles on the tables for decoration. Other accessories to have at your swim party include a bucket of water balloons, inflatable palm trees and buckets of rubber ducks. For added decoration, set up a volleyball net for your party guests.

Party Favors

Give each party guest an inflatable beach ball and permanent marker. Encourage everyone to go around the party signing other guests' beach balls and getting their own ball signed by other guests. This activity allows your guests a chance to make new friends at the party.

Another activity for the party guests to do is sand art. Colored bottles of sand are available at most craft supply stores. Let the guests fill up a clear plastic bottle with levels of colored sand. They can take the sand-art bottles home as party favors.


If the pool has a diving board, have an adult get in the pool with a soft flotation device. The adult must place the soft item about 1 foot away from the diving board. The players have to line up on the diving board and, one at a time, jump over the item. If they make it, they go to the next round. If they hit the item, they are out of the game. The player who can jump over the item at the farthest distance wins the game and a prize. Make sure all guests can swim before starting this game.

Another swim party game is to have a talent contest and allow each guest a chance to do a trick off the diving board, such as a flip or crazy belly flop. Allow the other guests at the party to judge the players by applause. Award a prize to the winner.

Tags: diving board, party guests, swim party, around party, other guests, swim party