Monday 26 October 2015

Squat Technique On A Smith Machine

Barbell Squats are one of the best exercises to strengthen the quadricep muscle. Barbell squats can be done from a normal flat bench or by using a Smith machine. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to both styles. Safety is always the first consideration when performing any exercise.


Selecting and preparing your equipment is the first step in performing a Smith machine squat. Place the bar at an adequate height that will rest on the middle of your shoulders. Attach the safety stops on the machine to prevent the bar from dropping too far in the event of a fall. Attach the foam pad to the bar where it makes contact with your shoulders. The last step is to select and mount the weights that you will need for your first lift.


Performing Smith Machine squats are not as effective as standalone squats because adjacent stabilizer muscles are not recruited to perform the move. However, because of the increased stability with a Smith Machine, there are several very effective squats that can be performed.

Standard Squats

Standard squats are performed with feet shoulder width apart with the feet facing forward. The bar is placed in the middle of the shoulder and pushed up until the hooks disengage from the rack. Keeping your back straight, lower the bar until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat. One variation to this exercise is to lower the bar one third of the distance and return to the starting position in rapid succession. Another effective variation is to place your heels on blocks while performing the movement.

Single Leg Squats

Single leg squats can safely be performed by placing a flat bench behind you and resting your ankle on the bench while performing the squat. Keeping your back straight, lower the bar until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Hack Squats

The final exercise is called the hack squat and is performed with the barbell behind the back. The starting position for the bar is 18 inches from the floor. The bar is raised and held below the gluteus maximus and lowered until your thighs are parallel with the floor.

Muscles Worked

Quadriceps, Calves, Hamstrings and Glutes.


All squats should be performed using good body position, a weightlifting belt and safety stops in place. Always consult with a physician before starting any fitness program.

Tags: starting position, your thighs parallel, parallel with, parallel with floor, Smith Machine, thighs parallel, thighs parallel with