Monday 5 October 2015

Problems With A Child Of Divorce

Divorce can be life-changing for children.

Divorce can be tough on an entire family, from the parents to the children who are involved, especially because it might be very difficult for them to truly grasp what is going on. Divorce is a major life change, and if proper precautions aren't taken, it can lead to some problems in impressionable young children.


With divorce comes a lot of uncertainty and instability in a child's life. Children might experience some feelings of helplessness due to their parents' divorce. For example, a child might worry about the future and his security, such as where he will reside, whether poverty will become a problem, where he will attend school (particularly if he is moving in the divorce) and if he will ever see his non-custodial parent again.


A child might feel like she is being abandoned and rejected by the parent with whom she does not live full-time. She could possibly feel that if both of her parents truly loved her they wouldn't have gotten divorced. In particularly bad situations, a child might feel like she is the one who caused the divorce in the first place, which could lead to strong emotions such as depression, anger and sadness.

New Relationships

From possibly a new house and a new routine to other factors, such as potential new relationships (or even marriages) for their parents, divorced children have a lot on their plates. Children might feel resentment when meeting their parents' new significant others, especially if the parents marry or bring other children into the picture. It is common for children to feel that the new partner is "replacing" the other parent.

Accelerated Adulthood

Another problem that children of divorce can experience is feeling that they have to grow up faster as a result of it. For instance, a young girl might find that she has to take on many new household chores and take care of her younger siblings now that the living situation is different.


Divorced children also might feel put "in the middle" of their parents, or that they have to take sides. This is especially problematic and dangerous in situations where the parents are badmouthing each other. This can be a major stress factor for children and cause them to feel anger and depression, and like they are being used as a pawn.

Peer Embarrassment

Another common divorce issue is that of embarrassment. Children might feel ashamed to explain to their peers why they have to move, or why their father is no longer at the house. This can be especially difficult for children who feel like no one else has to deal with divorce.

Tags: might feel, their parents, child might, Children might, feel like, they have