Thursday 15 October 2015

Scavenger Hunt Games For Adults

Scavenger hunts don't need to be elaborate to be fun.

A group of adults at a party can sometimes produce dull, quiet moments. This creates an uneasy feeling for both host and guests alike. Don't let the party get dull and boring. Create a scavenger hunt for guests to create a fun atmosphere that will be talked about well after the party is over. Does this Spark an idea?

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

This will take a little preparation. Warn neighbors that you will be having a scavenger hunt in the neighborhood. Make a list of 10 to 12 things in and around your neighborhood that the guests have to take a picture of. Guests can use a cell phone camera or provide Polaroid cameras. Some possible items include: an out of state license plate, a pink flower, a certain breed of dog or make of car. Other items might be a certain color of house, someone riding a bicycle or a jogger. You might want to include a certain name (a street name or maybe a name plate on someone's mail box) to your list as well. Divide the group up into teams of 2 to 4 people. Send each group in a different direction to prevent cheating. Give guests a certain time limit to complete the tasks. Meet back to show pictures and the team with the most items found is declared the winner.

Around the Town Scavenger Hunt

If you want a long scavenger hunt, send players out in their cars to bring back with items that can be found in local stores. Make sure that these items are not too expensive, so as not to create a hardship for anyone. Some items to include are a certain newspaper with the current date, a specific brand and size of candy bar, a sale flyer from a grocery store or a leaf from a particular type of tree. Have players gather together after an allotted amount of time to share their finds with the group. The person or team with the most collected items wins. In case of a tie, the player or players who completed the task in the least amount of time wins.

Magazine Scavenger Hunt

For an indoor Scavenger Hunt, be prepared with a large stack of magazines available for guests. Select pictures of certain things in these magazines and record the name of the magazine and the page number. Give each person a list of things to look for. Have them write down the name of the magazine and the page number it is located on. Suggest that they also write down the location of the word or picture so they can find it if they are challenged. You may decide to compile two or more separate lists, either one per person or per team and ask them to cut out and paste the scavenger hunt items onto a piece of paper to share with the rest of the players at the conclusion of the game. The person or team with the most found objects wins the game.

Button Scavenger Hunt

Have several jars of buttons available for guests. Tell player that this is a test of their attention ability. Give each player a slip of paper and a pen so they can take notes, but don't tell them what kind of notes they should be taking. Find a story, or make one up, that has quite a few colors mentioned in it. Read the story to the guests as they take notes. Give each person a jar of buttons. They should look through the jar and find a button to match each of the colors mentioned in the story. The player who gets the most correct answers wins the game.

Tags: Give each, person team, team with, team with most, with most, amount time