Wednesday 7 October 2015

Really Cool Face Paint Ideas For A Psychotic Clown At Halloween

Clown face paint can be cheery or chilling, depending upon how it is applied.

Many people would describe dressing up in costume as their favorite part of Halloween. Costumes run the gamut from cutesy (think a chubby-cheeked infant in a bumblebee getup) to downright chilling. Whether you want to sport psychotic clown face paint for Halloween because you want to scare people or simply because you are drawn to clown imagery, painting your face like a psychotic clown will give you the chance to express your creativity in grotesque new ways.

Half and Half Face

Paint your face in two different clown styles -- happy and psychotic -- to evoke a chilling sense of duality and the possibility that behind a happy clown face lurks a psycho. Paint your whole face white as a base. Assign one side as the happy side. Paint the happy side in a traditional clown style, with an upturned mouth and a "happy" color like red or yellow for the color patches. Paint a wavering red line punctuated with ragged-looking "stitches" down the middle of your face. On the "psychotic" side, paint a downturned mouth or a weird leering mouth (perhaps with fangs) and use a sickly-looking color like puke green for the color patches.


Enhance the scariness of your psychotic clown face paint by adding a prominent set of fangs jutting down from your red-painted lips. Paint the fangs in white and outline them in black so they stand out even more. Consider adding a few theatrical dripping drops of blood at the end of the fangs, as if you have just preyed upon a victim.

Psychedelic Twist Face

Give your psychotic clown face paint a psychedelic twist with the addition of swirling stripes. Black and white stripes swirled in a concentric circle pattern are often used in movies and cartoons to denote insanity or a descent in to madness, so using them in your clown paint will heighten the visual impression that you are "psychotic." For example, replace the traditional solid-color painted eye patch with a circular patch of swirled black and white, bordered with a black line.

Wounded Clown

Up the gruesome factor of your psychotic clown Halloween face paint by depicting a traditional clown face marred with bruises and wounds. Paint a "happy clown" face with a white base, a patch of color over one eye, and an upward-swooping mouth. Add painted bruises using purple, green and yellow paint and lacerations with red paint and narrow black lines suggesting stitches.

Tags: clown face, psychotic clown, face paint, psychotic clown face, your face, your psychotic, your psychotic clown