Monday 5 October 2015

Preschool Memorial Day Lesson Plans And Activities

Serve red, white and blue treats to celebrate Memorial Day.

Preschoolers are just starting to understand that there's a larger world beyond their families and classmates, so use Memorial Day to teach them about their country and patriotism. Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May, so use the week beforehand to prepare for the holiday. Decorate your classroom with pictures of American monuments and the flag. By the time Memorial Day arrives, preschoolers will be proud to celebrate. Does this Spark an idea?

Letters to Soldiers

Teach students about soldiers by having them become pen pals with soldiers serving overseas. Search online for a group that pairs schools up with soldiers. You can also send a letter home asking if any families have relatives or friends serving in the military that your class might write to. Have each child draw a picture for the soldiers. Any preschoolers who are able to write a bit can also write a short sentence or "thank you" on their pictures. Have the class help you write a letter to the soldiers on their behalf.


You don't need an audience to have a Memorial Day parade. Encourage children to wear red, white and blue to school. Bring in some extra red, white and blue hats or t-shirts for children who forget. Teach children to sing patriotic songs such as "You're a Grand Old Flag" or "The Star-Spangled Banner." Line everyone up and parade around the outside of school or through the hallways, singing your songs. You can also pass out simple instruments such as drums made from empty boxes for children to play as they march.


Show children the American flag and explain what the stars and stripes stand for, then get busy making your own flags. Give each child a sheet of white paper and one sheet of red paper. Draw seven stripes on the pieces of red paper and cut them out. Then, help each child cut a blue square for the corner of each flag. Once children have glued their stripes and blue squares onto their paper, give them white star stickers to arrange inside the blue square.

Proud to Be An American

Use Memorial Day to teach preschoolers to have pride in their country. Talk with students about what is special about America. Give some examples, such as the beautiful landscapes or the fact that Americans are allowed to speak freely about their opinions. Ask each child to make a drawing about what the country means to her and what she loves about it. You can also pass out magazines and have children make collages of what they like about America.

Tags: each child, white blue, about America, about their, about what