Smith machine squats have distinct advantages over free weight squats.
The Smith machine is a full-body weightlifting machine. Unlike free weights, the Smith machine features a barbell connected with 2 tall rods that attach to the top and both sides of the machine. These rods stabilize the barbell in a fixed line which balances the weight for an exerciser. This is advantageous because it allows the exerciser to focus on lifting with proper technique, lifting more weight and preventing injury during his weight-training routine.
Proper Technique Prevents Injury
Using proper technique when lifting weights is the most important aspect of training. Without proper technique, injuring yourself is only a matter of time. Free weight squats place the lower back in a perilous position, because all the weight compresses the spine and fatigues the back quickly. This fatigue hinders proper technique, and free squat-related injuries are common. Doing squats with the Smith machine allows you to utilize proper squat technique through a fixed path, which protects your lower back, legs and shoulders from injury.
Balance Equals More Weight
When lifting free weights, your body must stabilize the weight before you can lift it. The natural act of stabilizing the weight takes energy and focus which diminishes the total weight you can lift. Because the Smith machine balances the weight for you, you can utilize all your muscle, focus and energy to lift as much weight as possible.
No Spotter
The Smith machine allows you to store the weight yourself after you finish a set. The barbell features hooks which latch on to the Smith Machine. When lifting heavy weight, it is wise to ask a person or spotter to help you if you struggle lifting and storing the weight. However, because the Smith Machine balances the weight and has storing latches, you do not need a spotter. Though you can still ask a person for help if you feel it necessary.
Hamstring and Glute Development
Free-weight squats primarily strengthen the quadriceps muscles and back, but Smith machine squats can develop the hamstrings and glutes as well. Normally you place your feet directly under the bar when performing squats, but if you place your feet further to the front you also engage the hamstrings and glutes. You can only use this technique with Smith machine squats, if you try this with free weights you will lose your balance, fall and grossly injure yourself.
Tags: Smith machine, balances weight, free weights, machine squats, Smith machine squats