Friday, 25 September 2015

Passion Flower Crafts

The passion flower has a telltale circle of spikes around the stamens.

The passion flower is a bright purple flower in the shape of a sunburst that has medicinal uses to calm anxiety and seizures. You can find it in nearly every continent in the world. Because this is such a distinctive flower, it's a suitable choice for kids and adults who are seeking uncommon craft projects.

Passion Flower Earrings

This craft is suitable for anyone new to jewelry making as the design concept is relatively simple. To start you just need 14 green rubber jump rings that are about 3/16 inch in diameter and twice as many purple enamel-coated copper rings that are 1/8 inch in diameter. Take six of the green rings and arrange them in a tight circle around one center green ring. Place another green ring on top of each of them. Connect all the green rings to the center ring by opening a purple colored copper ring and connecting it vertically between each of them. Connect all the surrounding outside rings to each other by attaching a purple ring around each of them. Repeat this process one more time and you now have two passion flowers to hang from earring hooks.

Tissue Paper Passion Flowers

Tissue paper flowers are an easy and instant way to make bright, colorful flowers, even in the dead of winter. However, most tissue paper flowers end up looking like carnations or roses. You can manipulate the final, finished tissue paper to resemble a passion flower by a few strategic moves. Take four layers of purple tissue paper and stack them on top of each other. Take a large lid from a coffee can and trace it over the tissue paper. Take another slightly smaller lid and trace it next to the circle you just drew. Cut out your circles and place your stack of smaller circles on top of the bigger circles. Poke two holes in the center with a needle and push a green pipe cleaner through, knotting it once it goes through. Cut the larger layer of tissue paper and shape so that they resemble petals. Cut the smaller layer of petals into skinny panels and twist them so that they look spiky. Spray glue on to these spikes and cover them with purple glitter.

Passion Flower Coasters

This process allows you to create the most eye-catching purple coasters while using minimal materials and pressed flowers. Most pressed flowers, such as roses or carnations, are pressed sideways, so that when completely pressed, you get a profile of the flower. Because the passion flower has such a remarkable shape, press it straight down, so that its sunburst configuration remains. You can use a formal flower-pressing kit to do this or just two heavy books. Press eight or so violets as well. On a piece of contact paper, arrange the violets around the passion flower and press another piece of contact paper neatly on top. Be careful when you do this because you don't want to end up with noticeable wrinkles in the contact paper. Cut around this configuration in a circle. Press out any air bubbles. Your coaster is ready for a drink.

Tags: contact paper, each them, passion flower, each other, each them Connect, green ring