Monday, 21 September 2015

Outdoor Games For Kids At A Luau Party

When planning a luau, you can create outdoor games based on the party theme.

Luaus are a popular attraction for tourists when they visit the Hawaiian Islands. They can also make a fun theme for an outside party. If you are planning a party with a luau theme, you can use traditional luau events and foods to create unique outdoor games. Does this Spark an idea?

Hula Hoop Dance

At a traditional luau, you are able to observe trained hula dancers in native grass skirts, dancing the hula. For a fun outdoor activity revolving around the hula, you can use a hula hoop. To spin the hula hoop, you have to use hip swiveling motions similar to that of the hula dance. Take turns having the players spin the hoop around their waists as hula music plays. The player that is able to keep the hula hoop spinning the longest wins. To make the game more festive, dress each player in a grass skirt, coconut bra and a flower lei.

Pig Dig

Another traditional luau practice is the pig roast. A pit is dug in the sand and a pig is placed inside with hot stones and palm fronds. Then the entire thing is covered in sand and left to cook. To turn this practice into a game, you can use a sandbox. Bury a bunch of small plastic toy animals in the sand. You can use any animals you would like as long as there are 20 pigs in the mix. Break the players into two teams. When the game begins, one player from each team runs to the sandbox and digs until they find a pig buried in the sand. The player takes the pig back to the starting line and the next player on the team runs to the sandbox, looking for another pig. Game play continues until one team has collected 10 pigs.

Fishing for Prizes

One of the popular dishes served at a luau is smoked fish. This meal addition can also be turned into a game. Before the game, make a list of prizes and number them. You can make fish cutouts by cutting up construction paper into fish shapes. On the side of each fish, write a number, which will correspond with your prize list, then place a paper clip on the mouth of each fish. The fish can then be placed in an empty baby pool. To fish, the guests use a broomstick with a string and a magnet attached to it. The goal is to use the magnet to pick up the fish by the paper clips. The guests then receive a prize that corresponds to the number on the fish they catch.

Tags: traditional luau, each fish, hula hoop, into game, outdoor games, runs sandbox, team runs