Tuesday 8 September 2015

Mexican Party Game Ideas

What better way to celebrate an occasion than to do it in real Mexican fashion with a fiesta? Fiesta-themed parties can be very memorable because of the culturally rich food, drinks and games that accompany them. You may want to incorporate these games into your next Mexican party. Does this Spark an idea?

Chili Pepper Challenge

Heat the party up with some real Mexican chilies. This competition determines which party guest can handle the heat by eating the most peppers. To play, you will need to buy some type of hot chili pepper. Select the competitors and place a handful of chilies in front of them with a large glass of milk. Set a timer for either 30 seconds or a minute. The person who can eat the most chilies in the particular amount of time is the winner.

Pinata Bash

Pinatas have been a popular Mexican tradition for centuries. If kids are present, you can fill the pinata with candy and snacks. If you are throwing an adult party, the pinata can be filled with things like mini-bottles of alcohol or gourmet chocolates--but nothing that can break, of course. Blindfolding the person trying to hit the pinata is a must. Music can be played in the background to heighten the excitement during the pinata bash.

Pass the Sombrero

Give the traditional "Hot Potato" game a Mexican twist. Place all party guests in a circle. Turn on some good Mexican music and have guests pass a sombrero around the circle until the music stops. The guest holding the hat when the music stops is eliminated from the game. The last guest in the circle is the winner.

Tags: music stops, real Mexican